• icon Republic of The Gambia

Certificate of Origin Application

This application enables the exporter company to register to the system through the declaration of basic information. During this registration process, the following information is required to be filled out.

Exporter Name and Address

Business Name:
Registration No.:
Contact name:
Alternate Phone:
Producer Name and Address

Alternate Phone:
Consignee Name and Address

Alternate Phone:
Means of Transport

Departure date:
Vessel / Flight / Vehicle No.:
Port of loading:
Port of discharge:
Goods description

Item number:
Mark and packages no:
Description of goods:
Tariff and statistical nomenclature (HScodes):
Origin criterion:
Gross weight or other measure:
Invoice date:
Invoice number:
Value of commercial invoice:
Select file …


I hereby declare that the information provided is true and correct. I also understand that any willful dishonesty may render for refusal of this application.


  1. Original copy of Bill of Lading (Airway Bill);
  2. Packing List including product-wise specifications, marks and weights;
  3. Commercial Invoice; and
  4. Other documents required or specified by the country of destination.
  1. Business name

    It is the legal name of the exporter company. It is obligatory to fill out.

  2. Business Registration Number

    The business/company registration number given by the Registrar of Companies in the country in which the headquarters of the company is located. It is obligatory to fill out.

  3. Tin

    The number on the Tin certificate as issued by the Gambia Revenue Authority. It is obligatory to fill out. .

  4. Contact

    This space is for the company representative to fill out the information of her/his Name. It is obligatory to fill out.

  5. Address

    The address information of the exporter. It is obligatory to fill out.

  6. Country

    The country information of the exporter company, can be selected from the country list. It is obligatory to fill out. .

  7. City

    The city information of the exporter company..

  8. Phone Number

    The phone number information of the exporter company. It is obligatory to fill out. .

  9. Alternate Phone

    The alternate phone number of the contact person of the applicant company.

  10. Email

    The registered and valid e-mail address information of the exporter company.

  1. Name

    The name of the producer company/exporter. It is obligatory to fill out.

  2. Contact

    This space is for the company representative to fill out the information of her/his Name. It is obligatory to fill out.

  3. Addresa

    The address information of the exporter. It is obligatory to fill out.

  4. Country

    The country information of the exporter company, can be selected from the country list. It is obligatory to fill out.

  5. City

    The city information of the exporter company.

  6. Phone Number

    The phone number information of the exporter company. It is obligatory to fill out.

  7. Alternate Phone

    the alternate phone number of the contact person of the applicant company.

  8. Email

    The registered and valid e-mail address information of the exporter company.

  1. Contact person

    Name: provide the name of the individual or company importing. It is obligatory to fill out..

  2. Address

    Address: The address information of the address. It is obligatory to fill out..

  3. City

    Country: The country information of the importer company, can be selected from the country list. It is obligatory to fill out..

  4. Postal code

    City: The city information of the importer company. It is obligatory to fill out..

  5. Country

    Phone Number: The phone number information of the importer company. It is obligatory to fill out..

  6. Phone number

    Alternate Phone: the alternate phone number of the contact person of the importer..

  1. Departure date

    Provide the departure date of the shipment. It is obligatory to fill out.

  2. Vessel / Flight / Vehicle No

    This space is for the identity number for the vessel, flight, or vehicle number that contained the shipment.

  3. Port of loading

    The port of loading refers to the port where the goods are loaded onto a ship and ready for transportation. It is obligatory to fill out.

  4. Port of discharge

    The port of discharge refers to the port where the container is discharged by the shipper. It is obligatory to fill out.

  1. Item number

    The item number refers to the unique identifier, for example, codes or numbers assigned to products.

  2. Mark and package nos

    The mark and package numbers refer to the identification marks, numbers or labels applied to packages or containers to distinguish and track them..

  3. Description of goods

    The description of goods/products gives a detailed description of the goods or products that are contained in the shipment. It is obligatory to fill out.

  4. Tariff and statistical nomenclature

    The tariff/statistical nomenclature is the standardized numerical method of classifying goods or products. It is obligatory to fill out

  5. Origin criterion

    The origin criterion refers to the condition stipulated or requirements for a good to be considered as ‘originating’. It is important to be used when applying the preferential tariff rates.

  6. Gross weight or other measure

    The gross weight or quantity of goods gives the total or estimated weight or number of goods that are contained in the shipment. Other measures other than weight should be stipulated..

  7. Invoice date

    The invoice date refers to the date the invoice is officially recorded for the transaction.

  8. Invoice Number

    The invoice number refers to the unique codes or numbers assigned to invoices.

  9. Value of commercial invoice

    The value of the invoice refers to the price specified in the invoice by the exporter for the products supplied.

I hereby certify that the above statements are correct

This box should certainly be marked for completing the registration process. The user undertakes that the information given by him or her is accurate.