• icon Republic of The Gambia

EPZL Application

This application enables the exporter company to register to the system through the declaration of basic information. During this registration process, the following information is required to be filled out.

Exporter Name and Address

Business Name:
Business Classification:
Contact name:
Alternate Phone:
Registered Company Details

Country of incorporation:
Certificate of Incorporation Number:
TIN Registration date:
Business Registration Number:
Summary of business activities:
Shareholder information

Number of company shareholders:
Total value of shareholders:
Management information

Number of company directors:
Number of management team members:
Employment information

Number of planned employment during 1st year of operations:
Details of business

Business classification:
When NEA was obtained or plan to obtain:
Operational Output

Output volume in first year of operations:
Volume of exports:
Volume of exports percent of total output:
Volume of local consumption:
Volume of local consumption percent of total output:
Required services and facilities

Select services:
Select activities:
Financing Information

What is the total cost of the project:
Select file …

NameNationalityShareholding %

TypeNameNationalityPosition in Company

TypeNationalityNumber of employees

Equipment nameConditionCountry of OriginCurrencyCost

Raw Materials
Raw material nameFrequency of ImportationCountry of OriginCurrencyCost



I hereby declare that the information provided is true and correct. I also understand that any willful dishonesty may render for refusal of this application.


  1. Business Registration;
  2. Certificate of Incorporation;
  3. TIN Certificate;
  4. Memorandum & Article of Association;
  5. Business Plan/Feasibility Study;
  6. Financial Statements (Income Statement, Cash Flow, Balance Sheet);
  7. Evidence of Investment (Bank Statement, Paid Invoices, Sealed Loan Agreement);
  8. Operational License /Sector License;
  9. Environmental Impact Assessment (NEA);
  10. Trade License (Municipal License); and
  11. Employer Registration Certificate (Social Security & Housing Finance Corporation).
  1. Business name

    It is the legal name of the exporter company. It is obligatory to fill out.

  2. Business Classification

    The business classification is the ownership structure of the business.

  3. Contact

    This space is for the company representative to fill out the information of her/his Name. It is obligatory to fill out.

  4. Address

    The address information of the exporter. It is obligatory to fill out.

  5. Country

    The country information of the exporter company, can be selected from the country list. It is obligatory to fill out. .

  6. City

    The city information of the exporter company. It is obligatory to fill out.

  7. Phone Number

    The phone number information of the exporter company. It is obligatory to fill out.

  8. Alternate Phone

    The alternate phone number of the contact person of the applicant company.

  9. Postal Code

    The postal code information of the applicant company.

  10. Website

    The website address of the applicant company. It is obligatory that the declared website address has to include the full legal title of the company in one of its web pages. The context of the declared website should be related to the company.

  11. Email

    The registered and valid e-mail address information of the exporter company.

  12. Frequency of Importation

    It states the rate at which the EPZL application company imports raw materials. It can be one-off, monthly, quarterly...etc. It is obligatory to fill out.

  1. Country of Incorporation

    The country in which the EPZL applicant company is incorporated. It is obligatory to fill out.

  2. Certificate of Incorporation Number

    The unique number on the issued certificate of incorporation. It is obligatory to fill out.

  3. Tin

    The number on the Tin certificate as issued by the Gambia Revenue Authority. It is obligatory to fill out.

  4. Tin Registration Date

    The date the tin is registered as shown on the Tin certificate.

  5. Business Registration Number

    The business/company registration number given by the Registrar of Companies in the country in which the headquarters of the company is located. It is obligatory to fill out.

  6. Summary of business activities

    Provide a summary of what your activities are.

  1. Number of company shareholders

    Provide the total number of shareholders in the company. It is obligatory to fill out.

  2. Total value of shareholders

    Provide the total value of shares given to each shareholder. It is obligatory to fill out. .

  1. Number of company directors

    Provide the information on the total number of directors in the company. It is obligatory to fill out.

  2. Number of management team members

    Provide information on the total number of management team in the company. It is obligatory to fill out.

  1. Number of planned employments during 1st year of operations

    Provide information for the projected number of employees the company plans to employ in its first year. It is obligatory to fill out.

  1. Output volume in the first year of operations

    Provide information on the volume of total output in the first year of operations. It is obligatory to fill out.

  2. Volume of exports

    Indicate the total volume of exports of the total output. It is obligatory to fill out.

  3. Volume of exports percent of total output

    Indicate the total percentage of exports of the total output. It is obligatory to fill out

  4. Volume of local consumption

    Indicate the total volume of local consumption of the total output.

  5. Volume of exports percent of total output

    Volume of local consumption percent of total output: Indicate the total percentage of local consumption of the total output.

  1. What is the total cost of the project

    Provide the total cost of the investment. It is obligatory to fill out.

  2. Currency

    indicate in which country’s currency is the investment value. It is obligatory to fill out.

I hereby certify that the above statements are correct

This box should certainly be marked for completing the registration process. The user undertakes that the information given by him or her is accurate.